Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Why are there only 16 basic personality types?


When you think about it, how is it possible that the signs of the zodiac can be so accurate so often?  How can an exam like the Myers Briggs personality test break every single human being down into 16 basic personality types?  That doesn’t make any sense to me.  If we’re all individuals, with our own brains, there doesn’t seem to me any way they can predict that with any sort of accuracy.   Yet corporations rely on tests like the Myers Briggs for their human resource departments all over the world.  Astrology has countless devout believers.   How is it that when you meet someone new you already know them because they are so much like someone else that you’ve already known?  It feels preprogrammed and NOT at all random.   It’s like the automotive industry; the car companies only make so many different models.  Humanity seems to be the same, when it comes to personalities.  What are the implications of this phenomenon?
Before I continue I must preface and declare that I don’t completely believe these hypotheses or theories and some, if not most of the people who will read this will scoff, some might even grow angry.  This is simply an interesting idea; so relax and play along if you will.  I came across a concept recently that has had me pondering this and then it dawned on me.  
The important thing in this hypothesis is to consider another definition of sub-consciousness.   In this context, “you” are a small fraction of the greater you that exists on a higher plain of existence; as a vital part of the multiverse.  Your subconscious is actually a frequency being broadcasted by the universe.  Think of the Internet, your brain cells act together like the components of a computer with a wifi connection.  Think of your present body, more specifically, the microtubules in your brain cells, are receivers, like antennae or a satellite dish, they pick up a signal and they amplify a version of your greater soul or self into reality; basically expressing “you” in the physical world.  It almost makes our bodies avatars.  But while we’re existing in our bodies we think we’re individuals.  But really everyone who is your personality type is receiving and broadcasting the same cosmic frequency as you.    The larger self that is you has been dispersed across the planet or maybe the universe.  The signs of the zodiac could correspond to the origins of the broadcasts?   Capricorns are tuned to a station that broadcasts out of that constellation.  But could be the origin of the broadcast is the fabric of the universe itself.  The personality types were part of the Big Bang, and are expanding outward from the initial explosion.  Along with all the energy in the universe, there came consciousness.  Now what about aliens?   Their physical brains could be tuned to another set of frequencies; ones our brains don’t have the range to pick up, though some could have our basic personality types.  There are only so many of these frequencies that us humans can and are tuned to.  The things that make us individuals are our experiences; so nurture makes us individuals but nature offers finite options.   There are rare, higher frequencies that enlightened people can tune to, but most people have the 300, with the sports package.    While some just have basic cable and then a few poor souls can only get the local channels with rabbit ears.  It explains where inspiration comes from.  It explains the idea that there is cosmic knowledge out there to be tapped into.  The higher the frequency the more of this cosmic knowledge or wisdom one can express and broadcast.   Sounds far fetched?  Certainly there are things this idea can’t account for?  True.  It’s also difficult to imagine that I am not just me, but a whole group of people, sharing the same soul.  That’s almost depressing in a way.   It takes away ownership of your soul.   This idea doesn’t line up all the way, but it’s something to consider on a drive to work or at a cocktail party. 
But keep in mind just how much of “reality” we are not able to detect.   The light spectrum.  The sound spectrum.  We have instruments that help us see more of reality than our poor human bodies can detect, but still it’s only a fraction of what’s really out there in existence.  Science tells us there are several more dimensions than the four we know of and there are also quite possibly several other universes.  I’ve speculated about the universe being a living organism in the past.   What if consciousness is woven into the fabric of the universe?   What if it doesn’t reside inside of us, but comes from out there somewhere?  It’s an intriguing thought at least.   Who knows?