Friday, September 25, 2015

The translation of the Long Lost Writing of a Shaman

On The Long Lost Writings of a Shaman of the Potawatomi Tribe.

Here’s an excerpt from the lost writings of Tecompa Red Foot, that I found buried in my yard last spring.   As translated into English by a professor of Potawatomi Studies who’s name shall remain anonymous for legal reasons.  The ownership of these lost manuscripts still remain in question.  But I felt that the writing was too interesting to allow to be stifled by lawyers.  The professor in question has taken some liberties with some of the terminology, like Atlantis and others, because he is uncertain how else to translate the name of the ancient culture other than Atlantis; as he is certain that is what he is referring to.   Radio carbon dating of the manuscript reveals it to be between 150 to 200 years old. 

And so it was, I ventured into the spirit realm and found my forgotten guide, the elder brother spirit Ra Ott Tov.   I asked him if I were dead. 
He smiled and said, “Death is but one of many possible states.  But this is not the state you’re in.”
Then I knew that I had reached this place while still my body remained unharmed. It was possible, as the great Shaman Occum Black Bear had told me when he taught me the ancient secrets.  He had said one could reach this place while still attached to your earthly vessel, but it took a pure soul and an open heart, and extreme peace of mind.
I had no eyelids to close and so I couldn’t blink.  I surveyed this place.  Bright lights glistened all around me.  I was surrounded by all the colors of nature and then colors I had never seen before.  I have no words for them.   I saw beings in the distance as if across a bridge, the kind built by white men in their cities, curved and ornate.  It was brighter across the bridge.  It appeared to be a garden and there were beings there and they played as small children, giggling and chasing and frolicking.  But I was forbidden to cross the bridge.   I asked Ra who they were.
“They’re from your soul group.  That’s your clan,” he said to me without using his voice, but instead spoke silently to my inner ear.
“My ancestors?” I asked.
“Some of them are, yes.  Some of them have been your brothers and sisters, and some have been your wives and children.  These are the souls that detached from the source together in your earlier state.  When the universe was much younger and closer together.   As your original clump of the divine energy shot away from the explosion that created this universe, you were propelled further into the void and you began to splinter and drift apart into smaller pieces until you became an individual.  Your clan all comes from the same original clump that broke off and flung out into space. You remained together for millions of years, observing the early universe through one collective consciousness. From there you began to explore the universe and search for wonders to report back to the source what you had observed; because the universe can’t exist without observers to bare witness.  We were all just watchers for a billion years.  Content to report what we’d all beheld to the greater knowledge banks of the divine source.  Then there came something that astounded us all.   We called it life.  Some of the smaller fragments of divine energy had found a way to exist in the physical realm. They came from the stars, out of them, transformed from divine energy into usable radiation and heat. 
“It was the larger clumps that had tricked them into using their energy for life.  They wanted to see what would happen.  It mirrored the complex system that makes up the entire universe.  Large powerful clumps of the divine source, that had yet to completely splinter as you had, began to manipulate this life and to direct it and experiment with it.  They had the power to affect the reality of the living dimensions.  This emboldened some of the more powerful clumps and fed their egos, making them large powerful individuals. They severed their connection to the collective love source and sought to become powerful entities with their own freewill.  They marveled at their own creations.   And some were ghastly.  It was all based on the concept of competition for energy.  The strongest and most adaptable survived while the weak were eaten for their energy stores; energy being the same name for the divine source.  In the days of early life, it was some of the smallest, mindless fragments of divine energy that began to inhabit the physical realm. The larger clumps of energy would splinter off tiny fractions of themselves and send them into the living dimensions to see what would happen.  But as life became more complex, larger fragments of the divine energy became entangled. For it takes this divine energy to have life.   And more of this energy concentrated requires larger spirits to inhabit and maintain it.   These became the animal spirits.  Other spirits who had lived and died and were reborn and died again, decided to linger in nature like nymphs and fairies.  Tired of being eaten, they instead chose other paths.  Some were used to inhabit the trees.  But this did not satisfy some of the powerful beings, which had been called the Fallen Ones by the larger clumps that still held their connection to the divine source and served the Will of One.   The Will of One is another name the ancients gave to God.  But the Fallen Ones learned they too could gain power by converting smaller fragments away from the divine and fooling them into worshipping and serving their ways instead.  They use fear and lies and false promises to achieve their means.  And thus evil was harnessed and used as an alternative energy source from the divine; because there is balance in the universe of good and evil.   Dark energy exists and the Fallen Ones have turned to using it, along with the power they gain by feeding off of smaller beings that they have convinced to serve them.  They maintain their power over these smaller beings by keeping them believing that they are alone and they are only tiny individuals.  They feed the egos of these smaller beings.  They keep them distracted and fighting among themselves so that they will not unite.  Once united they will realize their collective power over the Fallen Ones.”  My elder brother spirit guide, Ra, took a moment for me to process this all.  I felt a warm embrace as I floated inside of a large blue sphere some where out in space, as the entire night sky was now surrounding me in all directions.   I need only wave my arms and I floated as if underwater.  But I had no need to breathe. 
“And all of this is being played out in the spirit realm?” I asked finally, returning to his side at the mouth of the gilded bridge.
“And now it has manifested itself into the physical world as well.  But the larger battle is being waged in the spirit dimensions, yes,” he said, holding up his right hand as if making an oath.
“But this battle has been playing out on every world that holds life,” he continued.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because life is the resource they value and hope to control.   So powerful entities are being held in check by powerful deities that still serve the Will of One.  They have placed regulations on these evil ones.   But the Fallen Ones are cunning.  The rules are in place but there are ways around them.  The ones who have chosen to exist in the physical world are the players in their game.  They can open doors for these evil ones to enter. ”
“So there is life throughout the universe?” I asked, looking up into the starry sky.
“Yes and they’re all involved in this spiritual battle.  Each planet is a battle-field.   Because once life became so complex that a spirit that had enough energy to be self-aware and conscious came into being that is when the battle took on a new perspective and that’s when it became possible to rule an entire planet.  When humans arrived on this planet the stage was set for a final confrontation on this planet, between the Fallen Ones and those who serve the Will of One.  Humans were the final experiment of the Will of One, but also the Fallen Ones too saw them as potential.  Humans were going to be the weapons used by both sides for the collective soul of the planet.  The Fallen have closely watched and manipulated human development.  They brought the early humans into contact with another race of being [presumably the Neanderthals] in Europe that was older and wiser.  When these two beings mixed their genes, the newer more evolved human with a brain able to understand more of the secret truths emerged.
“The Fallen Ones appeared to early man and proclaimed to be gods to these more evolved creatures.  They were the ones who first painted their experiences on cave walls and made more complex tools.  The Fallen Ones manipulated the early humans into worshipping them.  Many times the Will of One intervened and drove the Fallen away, but always they returned to wreak havoc. They preyed on human weaknesses and the baser emotions.  They drove wedges between people. They fooled them into worrying about material possessions and power. By then they decided to introduce the humans to civilization and to remove their connection with the natural spirit of the earth.  This had been done on other planets and it had served the Fallen well in the past.  They taught the humans to become specialists and to depend on society so that without society they could no longer exist.   Then all they had to do was control the rulers of this society and they controlled the entire population.   Though the humans always had a choice, but were tricked into making the wrong one.  It was human freewill that the Fallen Ones manipulated.  They made them think they had freewill, but they left them little choices but the ones they had guided them to. 
“A powerful Fallen One, who has had many names throughout time, became the most powerful ruler of Earth and all the other Fallen Ones fell in line behind him. They called him their Master.  He has been called The Devil, Samyaza, etc.  The white men call him Satan and Lucifer.
“He came to be born in the flesh nearly twenty thousand years ago.  This shocked them all.  He retained his powers and came to bring his chosen tribe to rule the planet.  This was done when the ice was still over most of the planet and winter lasted for years on end.  Things were out of balance in those days.   But Satan’s people created a mighty empire and their civilization made many enormous advances.  His civilization was based on the earlier notion that the strongest survive and advance the race.  Satan found a balance between science, logic and reason and removed the spiritual aspect, convincing his people that he was the one true god, while hiding the truth from them.   But from time to time a human would open his heart to the Will of One and try to speak out against Satan but they would be burned alive for heresy.   The civilization of [Atlantis], founded by Satan, came to use science and mathematics to solve many riddles of nature and to advance to great heights.  But the Will of One intervened and sent a comet into the ice above the American North.  The result of the shock sent the earth off of its axis and melted a good deal of ice at once.  The steam rose into the atmosphere and rained down for months, as the melting ice fell into the seas and caused fantastic waves to destroy all the cities across the planet, as by that time the great cities were on the coastlines of the world.  The [Atlanteans] had created a sea-faring civilization and it was destroyed in a matter of days.    The continents were transformed over night and all was lost, save a few pockets of survivors scattered across the planet.   They were left to rebuild and start over.  Many saw it as divine intervention and the gods punishing them for worshipping Satan instead of the Will of One.   They returned to nature and once more were harmonious and at peace.   But of course the Fallen Ones returned to find those they could exploit and manipulate and they found a way to rule over mankind once more by creating new gods for them to worship; these were the gods of the ancients, the pagans.  And once again the Fallen guided mankind back to civilization and to worshipping them as their gods.  And when a prophet would come to speak the truth, the Fallen would manipulate the message and convert it to fall in line with their ways.  This was done when the Romans turned to Christianity and they retained their evil influence over the Christians, and they were once again Satan’s people, perpetrating evil in the name of their church.  And Satan’s people came to our land and stole it from us and murdered our people, all in the name of their faith. The Will of One would never condone the sort of brutality the Christians have perpetrated against our people and all the other people they have enslaved.  They try to convert our people to their faith in the name of saving us from damnation.  I proclaim they are corrupting our children and turning them to evil.

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