Sunday, September 6, 2015

Zero Point Field or the Cosmic Internet?

On The Zero Point Field

For those of us not versed in scientific understanding and especially scientific terminology, I’m going to attempt to explain an interesting theory circulating that ties into the bigger theory I’m constantly alluding to.  

In Quantum Field Theory, the vacuum state is the quantum state with the lowest possible energy; it contains no physical particles, and is the energy of the ground state (Peter Baksa – The Blog, HuffPost).   What the research suggests is, in the universe there is no absolute empty space, there is no vacuum.   The universe is filled with what’s called zero-point electromagnetic radiation.  It suggests that the collective potential of all particles everywhere with their individual zero-point energies merge into one universal zero-point field that permeates the universe on the Planck scale. The important thing to take away from this is the concept of the collective field.   Remember the idea of collective consciousness?  These theories begin to lay the groundwork for attempting to explain how the mind/ brain waves/ emotional thoughts initiate transactions in the natural universe; how our thoughts commingle with everything else, and cause matter to manifest in our lives (Baksa – The Blog, HuffPost).  Thoughts equal energy and energy equals matter, then thoughts become matter.  Remember that book The Secret?  Is there something to that?

So taking this to its rational conclusion; everything and everyone connects through the zero-point field, where a collection of electric charges or energy from every thought, action and event that’s ever taken place in the universe is stored.  It contains ALL the information from the time the universe sparked into existence.  String theory suggests there are eleven dimensions instead of the three to four we can be aware of and contained in one of these dimensions is all this cosmic knowledge.    There’s a cosmic well of information that exists out there that certain people, with a higher number of microtubules in their brain cells, have access to; at least to some extent.   The more in tune the individual’s brain in receiving this cosmic information the “wiser” they are and some have become the prophets of the past.  Perhaps in this dimension, the space and time break down and do not exist and therefore the future too can be perceived?  It could explain “divine inspiration” or inspiration at all.  It also explains why and how the universe could be considered a living organism, alive and conscious and how we play a part in the collective consciousness by feeding our thoughts and emotions and experiences into the zero-point field.   It’s like we’ve tried to recreate this experience by creating the Internet or the Cloud to store our collective information.   The cloud has existed since the beginning of the universe and it’s called the zero-point field.  Perhaps we can train our brains to receive more of the well of information by meditation and deep contemplation and reflection.  We need to quiet our brains in order to hear or receive this information.  When we pray we are basically sending our thoughts to this well and asking for answers from it.  Perhaps that’s how the universe grows and evolves, by sending consciousness throughout itself and then allowing for this consciousness to learn and inform and experience everything to feed the whole.  Does this take away from the concept of a higher being or God?  No, it simply pushes back the concept of God to an even higher realm of existence.  Could God be the final result of a massive complex system that exists not only in our universe but also in the multiverse as well and then even beyond that?  If so, each of us plays an intricate part and is actively participating in the god-experience. 
There does seem to me some sort of design and I cannot accept all of this happened randomly simply out of chaos.  It’s too beautiful.  The Internet didn’t come into existence by itself; it took people to create it.  Such is the same for the complex system that makes up our universe and beyond that, the multiverse.  They don’t exist independently, but work in congress with each other.  That also suggests that negative thoughts and actions affect the zero-point field as well.  Keep that in mind when going about your day.  You’re not in this by yourself; every thought you have is fed into the field.  I like to think karma helps sort all of this out and keeps the scales balanced in the long run, but it’s up to you to feed the zero-point field with positivity and love.  

[The Zero Point Field: How Thoughts Become Matter? Peter Baksa.  Huffington Post]

1 comment:

  1. Why doesn't anyone ever come back at me about this stuff? It's crazy stuff, right? Love to discuss sometime with someone. Hello? Anyone?
