Monday, March 17, 2014

Indigo a'go go

On Indigo Children

As mentioned before, I met a very interesting woman who claimed to have one foot in the fifth dimension.  She was very fascinating.  I refer to her as the “highly spiritual” lady.   She could see through her “third eye.”  She holds seminars on the subject.  We had a very interesting conversation as you can imagine. 

This “highly spiritual” lady I spoke to mentioned Indigo Children.  I’d perhaps heard of it, but hadn’t given it much credence before.  But I decided to look it up.  It’s the idea that a large number of unique children are being born into the world with much more frequency.  They are said to be vibrating at a higher level.   These children are said to have indigo auras and to be much more in touch with the universe and to possess special, unusual and sometimes almost supernatural qualities; such as psychic abilities. Many of them are misdiagnosed with autism, ADD and ADHD.  The fact is children are different these days.  Yes, I know it has a lot to do with the parents.  But even then there’s something going on that isn’t quite right; mass autism, and wide spread gluten and peanut allergies?  The wheat hasn’t changed nor has the peanut.  It’s us.  It is believed by some people that our DNA is changing.  There is no proof of this and the evidence is sketchy at best, but I always like to play the “what if” game.  So, according to some New Age parents, it is said these children are coming to earth to help us and to teach us things; to help guide humanity into the next age.  Coming to earth?  From where?  I don’t know.  The lady alluded to another planet, as if they were older souls from another part of the universe, from a society more advanced spiritually than ours, incarnating into human bodies, but that’s getting into another bag all together.  For me though, it’s a wonderful concept if anything.  As a storyteller, I love this kind of thing.

The qualities listed for these children are interesting.  Some are born with what the old folks call a sense of entitlement, because they feel they are special.  They almost expect you to realize how important they are.  They have more confidence than most children today but way more than all children from the past.  They despise authority for the sake of authority, for they believe we are all equal.  Rules almost seem silly to them.  They don’t like school because they know that school is going about teaching them in the wrong ways, not giving them real-life experiences, but instead instilling a worker slave mentality upon them.  They feel removed from the rigidity of the structured world, for they see past structure.  They are spontaneous.  One huge problem with their feelings of alienation is they often turn to drugs in their teens and early adolescence.  They first seek them for mind expansion but easily become ensnared in the void of addiction.   It’s a snare put in place by the forces working against the better good.  The Indigos are considered systems busters.  And they believe the systems were put in place to hold us back and to control us.  That’s especially true of economic systems.  Most of them despise money but some have figured out how to use the system to acquire wealth in order to remove themselves from its burden.  They do things completely different than how it’s been done for years and years.  They break traditions, for they see them as trivial and superstitious.  They don’t read books from cover to cover anymore, but they are usually smarter than most people for they seek out their knowledge through a more precise method.   They have the internet at their finger tips and they know how to use it.  They prefer to guide their own education and while they don’t do well in school, later in life, if they can stay focused and not distracted by their own self-destructive pursuits, they will be the wisest among us.  They can be seen as anti-social unless they are with other Indigos.   They refuse to be ruled by fear.  They act out because of this.  They are rebelling against a system that doesn’t make sense to them.  They are usually highly creative and headstrong. And they are inheriting the earth soon. So say the New Age parents of Indigo Children.   Okay.  That’s interesting.  A bit much to digest but I thought it was worth a look.

Skeptics of the Indigo Child Theory, and that includes most people, claim parents who believe their children are Indigo are doing so as a way to avoid considering psychiatric or pediatric diagnosis.  “There’s nothing wrong with my child!  She’s special!”  It could be argued that it is wrong and dangerous to justify disruptive and rebellious behavior from a child as being symptoms of a higher consciousness.  Sure and that’s living in reality.  But I’m a fiction writer at heart, remember. I get to live outside of the system of reality.  Maybe I’m an Indigo Child?  I can definitely identify with some of the supposed qualities of the Indigos.  That’s why I found it most interesting, I suppose.  I don’t know…

The “highly spiritual” lady told me that when the age of ego dies and the age of Christ-like consciousness emerges, that is when we are ready to move forward and to seek a more harmonious existence.  And that age has begun, she told me.  Perhaps our brains will start producing more oxytocin, the chemical responsible for our feelings of love, trust and compassion.  Oxytocin is exclusive to humans alone.

But there are those who seek to divide us.  They benefit from us warring with each other.  They created dogmas and politics.  They are the ones who are purely ego driven.  They have to be in control and they will do anything it takes to keep it.  We should realize we’re all truly equal.  No human should have dominion over another human.  The only real tool they have is money, influence and fear.  But as I’ve said before, we are born knowing right from wrong.  That’s been proven by years of study at Yale and other institutions.  We all intuitively know it, despite what the world has thrown down on us to alter our realities. We began to “think” instead of “feel” and confused ourselves.  Our egos have gotten in the way of our instinctual understanding of morality.   If a newborn baby is a clean slate, how could it understand morality? Where does that knowledge come from if not from the universe itself? 



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