Thursday, October 6, 2016

For Halloween!


I just figured out one plausible description of Hell. It considers the theory that reincarnation is one part of a complex system that makes up the universe. Which it has also been suggested to be a living organism; a divine being of some kind. Souls are scattered fragments of the previous, pure spirit of the creator. All living organisms must possess some of the tiniest fragments of divinity to live. It’s why wheatgrass has DMT in it. Like raindrops are human souls and water is God, or the Universe itself, which we call God. It’s up to interpretation here. *Please note: The Author tends to take leaps of pure fancy and does not entirely and whole-heartedly believe a word he’s written, however, he is an Optimistic Agnostic, right? So he looks for patterns that are or aren’t there, and he draws lines between them. He’s primarily a fiction writer. Always keep that in mind. 
But back to reincarnation. So here are some rules: Our souls evolved with or along side our physical form. So we climbed the direct bloodline of modern humans. We started out simple and extremely fragmented, perhaps as microbes even. Then we started to cluster back together and form more complex life. So some might ask, where you a rat? No, because that’s not a human ancestor. But we were some similar, tiny rodent like, primate creature crawling around in the trees. We tend to stay close to bloodlines. Like dolphins in pods, we swim upstream along what we perceive to be a linear progression but that’s only how it is shown to us in retrospect. We start out clustering together, drawing into clumps because, even though we aren’t aware yet enough to voice it, we draw power from groups. That’s because we’re all divine and the more divinity we gather, the more divine we become. It’s why we like teams. It’s why we like choirs. It’s why we like parties.
So it could be said that living a physical life is also an important element of the complex system. It’s the exercise to make the muscle stronger. Why? That’s beyond understanding. How? Again… same answer. Patterns are all I see. If you get into the idea that there are multiple universes, then you’re talking a very complex system. The universe itself reincarnates in that case.
So you ask, what about the soul of my dog? What’s he going to do to reach nirvana? Dogs will have their day on another planet or perhaps this one. Technology and human science could advance enough that dogs and dolphins and parrots and pigs are smart enough to reach spiritual enlightenment. All of this is fodder for science fiction, please realize.
But there are times when a planet dies and all the life must travel together as one enormous pod of dolphins toward a new planet with the possibility of being able to sustain life. They work in concord with nature to facilitate conditions conducive with nurturing life intelligent enough to reach nirvana so that basically they can stop being born. They can stop suffering.
Suffering is the key. If it doesn’t burn, then you’re not doing the exercise correctly. Life cycle trials were how souls made it back into the Cosmic Choir. It was an exercise of some kind. Shattering ourselves into fragments and then creating a physical universe for us to enter. It does, at times, feel like a video game.
Another rule: Entire civilizations can and often do reincarnate at the same time. The United States is Ancient Rome, reincarnated.  Ancient Rome is Atlantis, reincarnated. So then, The United States is also Atlantis, reincarnated.  That’s basic logic, people. That’s because we like to clump in our familiar pods. Only the pods have grown over the eons to include entire generations and civilizations.
So think about time passing. Each generation has its heroes, its enlightened ones.  But those reach nirvana eventually. They stop joining the game of life.  So if the purer souls throughout history have already reached nirvana, or heaven or that unpronounceable word the ancient aliens use, that means the only souls still in the game are the shitty ones. The devils and the fiends. So that is how hell is going to play itself out. The only people still around in some distant future are the souls of the evil people who couldn’t reach nirvana. They are the only ones left in the cycle of reincarnation. So each generation gets increasingly worse, because any person who reached enlightenment and is able to help people, stopped being born. So the world is left with shit. And that’s hell. You can die. It’s a physical place. But you just get reborn, again and again. Surrounded by only the worst souls in history: child molesters, former slave masters and serial killers, Caligula, Hitler and Vlad the Impaler. And maybe the rest of us stop paying attention to them struggling and bickering with each other, and because they no longer exist to us, they truly aren’t part of the universe we create next. A new game perhaps, with new rules. And the really foul fiends are not there to mess up our new game. Better for the collective hive or heavenly host, depending. Keep eliminating the weak until they are no longer among us.
But there’ll be plenty a temptation in the new game to draw a few weaker ones astray. Egos rise. Power corrupts.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

On Aliens and Evolution


Arcturus is a fifth dimensional civilization and one of the most advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy.

If you’ve read my blog before you may have realized that I support a theory that competes directly with the Ancient Alien Theory in that it recognizes the evidence but sees an alternative explanation. However, I do believe that in the vastness of our universe that not only life but also intelligent life has to have evolved. It has to have. In my theory sentient beings being distributed throughout the universe is crucial to the idea of the universe being a complex system and thoughts and emotions are forms of energy.

In researching a sci-fi screenplay I came across a list of the various alien species that regularly visit earth. This list provided a brief description of each race of alien. It’s quite an extensive list. If anything someone put some real thought and energy into it.

So one thing I found interesting about these various alien species is the fact that they are usually similar to things we find on earth. There are the reptiles and the birds among them. This triggered a thought about evolution and Earth’s history.

Let’s start with the birds. Many ancient cultures claim that the sky people helped them form their societies and build their monuments. The Anunnaki were a major part of Mesopotamian mythology. They were winged creatures that resembled birds.  Among the Egyptian gods there were birdlike beings. The Native Americans also worshipped bird creatures who gave them knowledge and wisdom. We even have the winged angels in our folklore.

Someone said one of the major differences between humans and all the other creatures on earth is the fact that we build things and have technology. This made me think about nests. I began to consider the birds. Birds are extremely intelligent beings.   Watch a Nat-Geo special on crows or parrots and you’ll be amazed. One of the things they do is build nests. But ancient hominids, our pre-humans, also built nests in the trees. These nests become more elaborate as the human evolved, until nests became homes and homes became villages and villages became cities and technology and ideas came together until eventually humans were able to leave the planet earth. As of now, for only short distances, but we can do it; and if we’d spend our resources on exploring space as opposed to building weapons of war, we’d be much further out there now. Birds are the watchers of the forest. They alert everyone of danger. The bird flocks together and works in harmony. They are a more peaceful being than humans. They don’t kill for sport. So here’s my question of the day. What if it happened in the very distant past with birds? A certain species of bird evolved and expanded from building elaborate nests to villages and finally cities and rocket ships?  What if a group of them left earth before a mass extinction took place? But they are still interested in earth because this is where they came from?  What if it’s happened several times throughout the history of Earth? There are the reptilian aliens.  What if they were a small species of dinosaur that evolved and left the planet before the meteor whipped out their cousins? We only know the broad strokes of history and have no clue of the details. It is certainly possible.  Reptiles then gave way to the birds and now its the mammals turn to evolve and leave the planet. Perhaps that instinct is written into the code of the universe? The code is like an instinct. What if life is meant to evolve into intelligence and leave its home planet and mingle with other life until we’re all connected? Then the universe will truly be self-aware.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

On the Cosmic Choir

ON Harmony…

When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –(Vlad “The Impaler” Dracula).

Heavy-handed mockery, they all felt insecure. “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” – (Ivan the Terrible). We’re all just swirling eddies, sucking in and spitting out, rolling along the crowded river, pausing to dance for an interval before needing to continue on with the current. It’s about ego versus the collective. It’s about agony and it’s about pain being necessities of life. It’s about swimming in reality’s bone-chilling waters. “Happiness can only come from acceptance.” – (Pol Pot). Disappointment and pain are major parts of life, the sooner we realize this the better we are in dealing with life.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” – (Joseph Stalin). If we really are a collective, spiritual hive, then shouldn’t we contribute? And shouldn’t we listen to those who have? For example, an old man once told me that if I ever owned my own business: “You should only hire smart people, even if they threaten your own intelligence. And when dealing with people you care about, never cut what can’t be untied gracefully.” Thanks anonymous old man.

If there is such a thing as a collective consciousness, then everyone’s ideas belong to everyone else. Right? They’re there to be shared. So thanks, Einstein. And you’re welcome for relativity, everybody else.

When dealing with adversity some people can become very superstitious. Take my proctologist. It just keeps getting weirder and weirder with that guy. I don’t have the heart to tell him I don’t even like ice cream. He thinks it brings good fortune. I think it brings awkwardness. But there we find ourselves, seated across a wrought iron table, in plastic chairs, napkins being held down by stones and drinks, because the breeze threatens to scatter them across the busy road, wondering how in the hell I got myself into this position; the conversation boarders on the absurd and the indecent. Will this end in a fist fight? Life’s good, if you don’t weaken.

Your definition of yourself has drastically changed, recently. What’s the new definition? That, you can’t say. Not yet, anyway. But by the end of the day, in a way, we’re all okay. Who were you before you weakened? Introvert in a clown’s veneer, playing the fool, playing it cool. We constantly gamble on happiness.

Confidence works like the Force. Those who have it are force-wielders able to bend reality to their own will. Someone asked me once if confidence and faith were the same thing. Nope. But maybe I was wrong. I have no confidence left to say. “Indecision is the inkling of fear” – (Caligula).

In all things it is better to hope than to despair.” -  (Idi Amin). But aren’t we all searching for something more? Is anyone really satisfied? Maybe? I’d like to meet a satisfied person and ask them if they haven’t just given up. Then I think about what sorts of things would give me satisfaction. Isn’t the point of life for us to suffer? Suffering is where we find strength and humility. But suffering comes from desire. Desire comes from dissatisfaction. We want to use each other to fill the gaping holes in our own lives. We project traits onto the people we meet, hoping them to be true. They rarely are. We all get caught up in our own fantasies, only to have them destroyed when reality reveals itself. Everyone has weaknesses. Everyone is flawed.

Music is the mediator between spiritual and sensual life.” - (Saddam Hussein). If there is a collective consciousness, it must work like a massive orchestra or choir and you must be able to sing in key if you want to join in. That takes practice and most likely training. Suffering is the training ground. Like a muscle, in order to grow stronger it must be broken down. So if you’re out there somewhere on your own journey, and you’re suffering, well, good for you. If you don’t weaken, you’ll only grow stronger. The Lord said humble thyself in the sight of the Lord. Life is meant to humble us. You can’t sing the solo in every concert, you must be humble and sing your part in harmony with everyone else around you. And remember, “One day is worth a thousand tomorrows.” – (Josef Mengele – aka Angel of Death).

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Money makes the World Go Round!


It’s the root of all evil! Some people know that I HATE money. I truly believe it to be the instrument of all the world’s problems. Greed is destroying our planet right now. Conspiracy theorists point out the satanic symbolism on the dollar bill as proof enough that this is true. They say the devil created money and the material world to enslave humanity. If not the devil then we’ve done it to ourselves. In my last novel I explored a world without money. I really enjoyed going to that world and examining the freedom it provided. 

Religion teaches us that there are two worlds in which humans exist: the material world and the spiritual world, and they are at odds with each other. We can spend our lives trying to attain one or the other, but not both.

The material world is dominated by the idea of the “survival of the fittest” and the strong eat the weak. At the heart of the material world there’s a lie or at least a contrived concept that paper equals power. With money one attains the ability to control the immediate environment as well as the people in that environment. When we only experience the world through our basic, tangible senses we forget the greater truths of life. So many people have given over to the “dark side” of life and are living solely in the material world. People ask upon first meeting someone else, what they do for a living. Why does that define us? External power is the only power one can attain from the material world. External power is not internal power. It is quite the opposite. I’ve suggested we’re on the cusp of a new era in human evolution. We’ll never achieve it when the material world is the world in which the majority live. External power stems from fear. Fear is the tool those with external power use to control others. The more external power one attains the larger influence they can have over their expanding environment, to where someone like Donald Trump wants to control the entire planet; such is his ego. Rex Mundi! Ego lies at the heart of the quest for external power. Ego is a false belief that we are all individuals, living only one lifetime, trying to eek out the most we can from the material world before we’re turned once again into dust. The fear that this might be true keeps even religious people rooted in the material world.

Think about violence. What is at the heart of all violence? The competition to control the external world is what is keeping humanity down and could quite possibly (most likely) lead to our doom. Those with power want to keep that power as long as they can. But the truth is, external power is fleeting and can be lost over night.  

We should be in quest of internal power. What a better place this planet would be if we all were seeking to control our internal worlds? If one were to achieve internal power, one would never lose it. All of humanity’s best intentions stem from the internal world.  Selflessness. I struggle with this, as do most people. I often think of how this will serve me in the long run, whatever “this” may be. It is because we’ve been conditioned to think this way. But in order to start evolving in the right way, we must be conscious of our decisions and our motivations. It comes down to intentions. When we ask ourselves what’s our real intention in doing something, then we begin to step back from the material, sensing world and question things on a higher level. What really matters? What’s really important in the long scheme of things? It’s a simple question that can lead to the right decision. It’s in the ability to step back and see the larger picture that can solve so many problems peacefully. Christians used to say, “What would Jesus do?” Jesus represents the right decision and the proper perspective. Subconsciously we all know what Jesus would do. We just forget to ask that question.