Saturday, August 6, 2016

On Aliens and Evolution


Arcturus is a fifth dimensional civilization and one of the most advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy.

If you’ve read my blog before you may have realized that I support a theory that competes directly with the Ancient Alien Theory in that it recognizes the evidence but sees an alternative explanation. However, I do believe that in the vastness of our universe that not only life but also intelligent life has to have evolved. It has to have. In my theory sentient beings being distributed throughout the universe is crucial to the idea of the universe being a complex system and thoughts and emotions are forms of energy.

In researching a sci-fi screenplay I came across a list of the various alien species that regularly visit earth. This list provided a brief description of each race of alien. It’s quite an extensive list. If anything someone put some real thought and energy into it.

So one thing I found interesting about these various alien species is the fact that they are usually similar to things we find on earth. There are the reptiles and the birds among them. This triggered a thought about evolution and Earth’s history.

Let’s start with the birds. Many ancient cultures claim that the sky people helped them form their societies and build their monuments. The Anunnaki were a major part of Mesopotamian mythology. They were winged creatures that resembled birds.  Among the Egyptian gods there were birdlike beings. The Native Americans also worshipped bird creatures who gave them knowledge and wisdom. We even have the winged angels in our folklore.

Someone said one of the major differences between humans and all the other creatures on earth is the fact that we build things and have technology. This made me think about nests. I began to consider the birds. Birds are extremely intelligent beings.   Watch a Nat-Geo special on crows or parrots and you’ll be amazed. One of the things they do is build nests. But ancient hominids, our pre-humans, also built nests in the trees. These nests become more elaborate as the human evolved, until nests became homes and homes became villages and villages became cities and technology and ideas came together until eventually humans were able to leave the planet earth. As of now, for only short distances, but we can do it; and if we’d spend our resources on exploring space as opposed to building weapons of war, we’d be much further out there now. Birds are the watchers of the forest. They alert everyone of danger. The bird flocks together and works in harmony. They are a more peaceful being than humans. They don’t kill for sport. So here’s my question of the day. What if it happened in the very distant past with birds? A certain species of bird evolved and expanded from building elaborate nests to villages and finally cities and rocket ships?  What if a group of them left earth before a mass extinction took place? But they are still interested in earth because this is where they came from?  What if it’s happened several times throughout the history of Earth? There are the reptilian aliens.  What if they were a small species of dinosaur that evolved and left the planet before the meteor whipped out their cousins? We only know the broad strokes of history and have no clue of the details. It is certainly possible.  Reptiles then gave way to the birds and now its the mammals turn to evolve and leave the planet. Perhaps that instinct is written into the code of the universe? The code is like an instinct. What if life is meant to evolve into intelligence and leave its home planet and mingle with other life until we’re all connected? Then the universe will truly be self-aware.

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