Seeing as how this is my first attempt at creating a blog,
why not make it the subject? I like
starting with a question, because I have a feeling that’s going to be the
recurring theme throughout. Don’t count
that as a promise. But expect more
questions than answers. Because let’s be
honest, there are, by ratio in the universe, far more questions than answers,
Firstly, I suppose we could begin with an introduction. I’m a middle-aged dad with three kids and a
beautiful wife in the suburbs of Chicago .
I’m a soccer coach. What do I have to complain about? Well, this leads me to my first impression of
blogging. I always assumed the medium
consisted of people complaining or ranting and raving about their opinions. Who really cares? But my friend, who is way more tech savvy than
I am, called me one day with the specific suggestion that I start my own
blog. I blanch at the idea of self
promotion. It makes me
uncomfortable. And I’m not really
technically confident I’d know how to even start. He gets really pissed off when he remembers
that I don’t have a Mac and that I still use iTunes for all my musical needs. I secretly enjoy that my ignorance of the web
irritates him, I don’t know why. It sort
of turns into a comedy bit between us, that I find hilarious. I have similar, but much more complicated
bits always running with my wife as well, with wildly varying degrees of
humor. But the point is, he gets really
angry that I don’t even begin to understand what a blog is and what it is
for. This is where the joke can go too
far perhaps. Though the joke comes from
truth, in that, I have a tendency to ignore the larger, louder world out there
for ponderings more internally directed.
I don’t follow celebrities. The nightly
news is farce in my opinion, though I do tend to put CNN on in the mornings
just to make sure the world didn’t end yet.
I think we all do that now.
“Better put on the CNN.” That should be their motto. “Did the world end last night? Better turn us on and find out! CNN.”
I’d say we’re now to that point where anything’s
possible. We like bigger and better and
the world just keeps producing it for us right on cue. They have us prepped and ready for everything
from zombies to aliens. I’m just hoping
the aliens aren’t zombies, then we’re all screwed for sure. I’m not old enough to remember, but I wonder
if this feeling persisted in the early sixties as well; this feeling like Times They Are a Changin’? Mr. Bob Dylan felt it. Shit’s
about to get weird.
But contradicting myself, I do love what’s happening in the
worlds of technology and science. I
marvel at how we’re living in a sci-fi movie.
I just feel like I’m watching it all happen, though, I forget that I’m
here actually to interact with this stuff.
I’m here at this moment and have access to what is offered. There’s a place for me out there in the
cloud. Why not? And so I decided to see if I could write a
Self promotion feels so vain though, doesn’t it? That’s one of the endless problems with
having so many people crammed on this rock at the same time. There’s a lot of noise and people scrambling
to be heard over the din. And not
everyone has something good and interesting to say. It goes against my normal personality to care
to shout over them. What makes me so
vainglorious to think I have anything to say?
Forgive me, self-doubt is unattractive, I know. But I
spoke with another friend about it later that day and he too seemed as adamant
as my first friend that a blog is exactly what I should be doing. I
began to think differently about blogging and the possibilities of it. I could do it if I thought it didn’t matter
how many people read it or followed it or whatever the terminology. I would approach it as I would any other
artistic endeavor. I’d do it for
myself. So here’s the result of that internal tug of
war. My first blog.
I agree you should never own a mac lol